NetMan Desktop Manager contact details
Do you have questions about NetMan Desktop Manager? On this page you will find all relevant contact data.
Matthias Kumitz
Sales Management South Germany
Postal code: 80000-97999
Phone: +49 8252 9 65 89 23
Fax: +49 551 52208 25
Patrick Stecker
Sales Management West/North Germany
Postal code: 40000-59999 | 64000-79999 | 01000-39999 | 60000-63999 | 98000-99999
Phone: +49 551 52208 42
Fax: +49 551 52208 25
Michael Etscheid
International Sales Management
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More information
Here you can find us
Maschmuehlenweg 8-10
37073 Goettingen
Phone: +49 551 52208-0
Fax: +49 551 52208-25
Route description
Central Station Göttingen — Firma H+H Software GmbH
The map image will take you to Google Maps, where you can get a closer look at the location of the company.
You have suggestions for improvement, criticism or praise?
The address is the right choice.
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